Are You Ready To List Your Commercial Property For Sale?

When you want to put your commercial property on the market, it's wise to list your commercial property for sale via your real estate agent. They are the professionals who can help match your commercial property with buyers who are ready to purchase and you don't have to do all the work yourself. 

However, before you put your commercial property on the market, make sure you're ready to sell. Your commercial property will likely be on the market for a while and you'll have to continue making the payments on the loan until it's sold, so if you have plans to turn around and buy another property right away, let your commercial Realtor know so they can speed up your building's sale.

Are you really ready to list your commercial property for sale? Here's a guide to help you determine if you're ready to do so or if you should hold onto your property until you're either more settled or you have more likelihood of having buyers.

You have a plan B in case your property doesn't sell

Commercial property is not as versatile as residential property and also doesn't usually sell as fast. For this reason, it's wise to only list your property for sale if you have a plan B in the event your property doesn't sell as quickly as you want it to. Your commercial Realtor will give you a timeline for how long they think it may take for your commercial property for sale to sell based on the market and the type of property you have.

Your plan B may include:

  • leasing out your property
  • continuing business growth in your location
  • turning your building into another type of building
  • liquidating other assets for financial gain

Your commercial real estate agent can help you formalize a game plan for listing your commercial property.

You are absolutely ready to sell

Are you liquidating your entire property? If so, the sooner you can get your commercial property for sale off the market, the sooner you can move on with your next business adventure. A commercial property will sell better if it comes with all the amenities and appliances, so keep this in mind when you list your commercial property. You may also wish to auction off or sell your other assets but check with your real estate agent first to see if this is the best course of action or if you should just sell your assets with your property for a faster liquidation.

Contact a local real estate service, such as Vancouver Business Brokers, to learn more. 
